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Thread: PSA: Are you prepared for Windows XP end of support?

  1. #16
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    Twice I've had my systems infected by going to what should have been quite innocent websites. One was a knot tying site I had been on a month before. It was fine the first time but the second visit AVG had a window popup saying I've been infected and it couldn't fix or identify the problem. The computer also went into restart mode so what ever payload I had inadvertently downloaded could install and launch; so I interrupted it by pulling the power cord and did a re-image. Other infection was quite similar in that it was an innocent website and again the virus software said it could detect the infection but couldn't fix it or identify it. This time it didn't need to restart to launch the payload. That one changed a lot of setting throughout XP, I suspect through a single attack on the registry. And there was no way I was going to wade through it blindly trying to figure out what needed to be restored.

    It's quite easy to combat any sort of threats even if XP is no longer supported and you get "hacked". Just get a program like Snap Shot put it on an external HDD and take an image of your HDD on a regular basis, you can set up a DOS command to do this quite easily. Create a boot disk with what ever boot disk creator you like... If you have any problems such as an infection, simply restart from the boot disk you created, plug in the external HDD, launch Snap Shot and command it to reinstall the latest image you've saved... 15 mins later and you're back up running like nothing had ever happened.
    Last edited by Brian Ashton; 03-28-2014 at 7:36 AM.
    Sent from the bathtub on my Samsung Galaxy(C)S5 with waterproof Lifeproof Case(C), and spell check turned off!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Helensburgh, Australia
    As Brian says and keep all docs on another drive so they are not impacted.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by David G Baker View Post
    Windows 7 is still okay but my experience with Windows 8 was very unpleasant for me. Maybe I am old school but the set-up on the computer I worked on was foreign to me. It wasn't the touch screen issue because I used touch screen computers to control satellites for uplinks and downlinks when I was working in TV. If I have to move over to Windows 8 or its next version I will learn to work with it. I liked Windows XP but made the transition to Vista with out any problems. I use Photoshop version 5.5 with out any issues on my Vista computers.
    You're not alone, David. There are a couple free/inexpensive add-ons that make Windows 8.x look & act like Windows 7 or (I think) XP. Here's the freebie: Start8 is one cheapware addon, there may be others.

  4. #19
    The UI of Windows 8 isn't so bad once you get used to it.

    The "end of XP support" will largely impact businesses like mine. Companies and departments that provide desktop support will by and large demand that desktops be upgraded to 7-8. We just completed such an upgrade, and it was not fun.

    The bigger impact is the death of (yes I said it) DOS applications. You can run virtual machines and shells and picture-in-picture-what-what, but it's just not pretty or intuitive for the users who would be using those applications. The simplest thing like printing becomes such a nightmare.

    For standalone use, I see no problem keeping your old XP machines alive (I have one at home too). But if you're planning to do any kind of networking or sharing, there will be hiccups.

  5. #20
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    I absolutely cannot stand the GUI on Windows 8/Server 2012. I admin a number of Server 2012 machines and it just sucks trying to get work done compared to Server 2008 R2. Now, Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 is much better with the start button being back. A lot of what I need to get to I can right click on the start button to get to.

    A lot of companies are stuck on Windows XP because they built in-house software that won't run on Windows 7/8, or they have web applications that only work with IE 6. In some cases it is cheaper for a large company to pay Microsoft a million dollars or more a year to keep patching XP than to pay to rewrite their applications. In other cases companies laid off everyone who wrote the applications during the recession.

    My employer has some really good desktop folks who have managed to get software written for Windows 2000 to run on Windows 7. We originally thought we might be stuck on XP due to that software. Luckily, that software is getting replaced.

  6. #21
    One thing that people forget is the fact that a virus program like Norton, Microsoft, AVG, Avast or any of them can only detect what they know.

    If Microsoft or any other software company finds a hole in a program and plugs that hole there could have been someone that wrote a virus that could have used that hole that the virus programs don't even know about.

    Your computer could have a virus right now that the antivirus companies don't even know about.

  7. #22
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    Victoria, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Thien View Post
    Keep XP, get Firefox, and use Thuderbird for E-Mail. Pretty good setup.
    Most excellent advice. Oh and use good antivirus.

    Or run XP in a virtual machine running in Linux. (Couldn't help myself.)

    Actually, the best way to run XP now would be to store all data on a network drive or some form of off computer storage. That way if you get a bad infection, you can nuke and reinstall. There are utilities that allow you to make a script that reinstalls your OS and installs any software you use. Several of them are free, and available from MS. I prefer this method to imaging, as I have seen images get infected too many times. Even reinstalling from scratch is pretty quick once you have done it a few times. I used to make my students do it every day so that it became second nature to them. They complained, but many still thank me for it when I run into them.
    YMMV of course.
    Last edited by paul cottingham; 03-28-2014 at 12:44 PM.

  8. #23
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    When I picked up my “museum grade” XP box out of the trash it didn’t come with any recovery disks. One of the first things I did was download a copy of Ubuntu (10.10), it worked OK.

    With XP doom hovering over my head, I had another try with Unbuntu. The newer versions, both the latest and greatest and the long term support, have improved the video support to the point it won’t work on my addled box. Lubuntu has followed the same thorny road. Mint does work well and supports our wireless HP printer so Linux is still a go.

    Since I’ve been forcibly retired I don’t need to be “compatible” with anyone, and if I want to play games that’s what the Wii is for. I really haven’t needed Windows for several years. That’s why I really haven’t tried to image the existing hard drive. I guess I could try it, I have the utilities and a USB hard drive.

    Both my daughters have Toshiba laptops with Win 8.0 on them. You can see who gets all the goodies in the family. I can deal with them (the laptops that is. My daughters, um, not so much) but sure can understand the unhappiness. The Jekyll/Hyde screens (tiles screen/work screen) make no sense on a desktop or for most uses of a laptop. The one thing I did was put a Control Panel tile on the screen as it’s the only utility I use.

    My daughters have no expectation that a computer is supposed to be useful FOR THEM and don’t seem to care about the interface!
    Last edited by Tom Stenzel; 03-28-2014 at 1:09 PM. Reason: Addend info

  9. #24
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    I have been using Pale Moon it's a stripped down firefox and uses memory better.

  10. #25
    My issue with newer OS's is the fact I'm running ancient graphics software and engraving machines. Out of all the stuff in my signature below, only 3 connect via USB cable, and the Concept still requires a proprietary computer running a DOS based program. (which is the upgrade from the Apple IIe program!). My favorite graphics software requires I keep a computer with Win98se on it, because it won't run on anything higher than 8-bit. My engraving machines and lasers require drivers that won't work on Win 7 or 8.

    This is the thing that p****S me off about forcing new software down our throats, is that Bill has NO idea that it isn't just offices and students who rely on their software! I'm all for new and improved, but can't they make a Windows8 that will allow me to install a generic text driver, and WORK?

    And oh yeah-- I mentioned in my first post that I've been using, and having great luck with Microsoft Security Essentials for keeping viruses out-- Well, seems that Security Essentials will no longer be available either. This "buy our new product or else" mentality borders on being illegal, if not already....

    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
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  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Thien View Post
    Keep XP, get Firefox, and use Thuderbird for E-Mail. Pretty good setup.
    I agree!

    I've used Firefox and Thunderbird for years. Actually, I now use Waterfox which is the 64bit version of FF. Heard about the Pale Moon version here a few weeks back, but haven't had time to play with it with the new job.

    I just retired my wife's XP machine. Still hearing about the "problems" with the programs that need to be replaced to work on 7. Actually only 2, Word and Quick Books. I have both working in a XP virtual environment in Win 7, and she is dealing with it. Just don't need to spend 300 bucks on software right now if I can find a free way to make it work. I will probably resurrect the XP machine to use in the shop as a music source. Easy enough to transfer via USB drives and keep it off the net. If need be, I can get it on the net with a wireless antenna to the main system, but doubt that would be necessary.
    So I now have all 3 main computers on Win 7 Pro 64 (2 desk tops, 1 laptop). There is a Win 2k system in LOML's music studio annex, but it hasn't been turned on in probably 2 years. It has some music game programs that wouldn't run on XP!!!
    And I'm on Win 8 at work......I hate it! Took me 2 weeks to figure out how to get into the
    device manager screen so I could fix the audio that didn't work!! Win 7 was not big deal changing from Win 2K for me. Just seemed to be a natural progression. Jim.
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  12. #27
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    I'm surprised you would have issues getting Word working on Windows 7 unless it is Word 97 or something like that. I currently have Office 2000 installed on Windows Server 2012 R2 and it works fine. (This is essentially Windows 8.1) I was surprised it actually works.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Doylestown, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by paul cottingham View Post

    Most excellent advice. Oh and use good antivirus.

    Or run XP in a virtual machine running in Linux. (Couldn't help myself.)

    Yup. I've run XP & 7 as an experiment on *buntu installs using Virtualbox found in the Ubuntu repositories. I have 4 GB. RAM, don't think I'd try a VM without at least 3 GB. Running common software & printing worked just like a 'bare metal' windows install. I did have to install guest extensions in order to get full screen and USB support.

    Actually, the best way to run XP now would be to store all data on a network drive or some form of off computer storage.

    Excellent advice no matter the O.S.

    That way if you get a bad infection, you can nuke and reinstall. There are utilities that allow you to make a script that reinstalls your OS and installs any software you use. Several of them are free, and available from MS. I prefer this method to imaging, as I have seen images get infected too many times. Even reinstalling from scratch is pretty quick once you have done it a few times. I used to make my students do it every day so that it became second nature to them. They complained, but many still thank me for it when I run into them.
    YMMV of course.
    Will antivirus companies continue to support XP after April 8th?

  14. #29
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    Victoria, BC
    The antivirus should continueto work, as the definitions are OS agnostic, so i wouldn't worry about that. Eventually, it will be hard to get the executable, but that is far in the future, I imagine. You could always use an open source AV like Clam AV, as the older versions will always be available, of course, Clam doesn't check email, so you would need to be careful with that.

  15. #30
    Just found another reason to hate Win 8- Over the weekend my ancient IBM Thinkcentre office computer's motherboard self destructed. Fortunately the drive is fine and I'm able to extract all my files using the drive as a slave in another computer. I use Quickbooks 2005 to keep my books...

    ...Guess what? My quickbooks won't load and work correctly on my shiny new Win8 boat anchor. One of the modules won't register. I can "ignore" that and finish installing the program, but it won't run.

    I've yet to find one redeeming quality about Windows 8. Freakin' ridiculous
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
    FOUR - CO2 lasers
    THREE- make that FOUR now - fiber lasers
    ONE - vinyl cutter
    CASmate, Corel, Gravostyle

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