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Thread: Busy day today

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio

    Busy day today

    And now time for a few "Cold ones"

    First off, The Boss wanted a blind on the backdoor repaired with a new one.....New one needed those clips down at the bottom, to keep it from flopping around, used self-drilling drywall screws into the steel skin of the door...and had the driver tip drill into a finger...messy.

    Next, since i was on a roll, tried to resaw on the bandsaw....
    But had to tear it down first. Lower guides needed adjusted, allowing the tracking to go back to the middle of the wheel. Cutting 4/4 x 4 stock for the Rocker...

    Moved that 30 pounds of Mitrebox off the bench and out of the way...whew

    Spent a bit of time rehabbing a $3 spokeshave I picked over the Birthday Weekend
    all ready to go. Ok, NOW can I work on that rocker?
    Front leg/post test fitted to the rocker..
    front post joint.jpg
    Made the notch in the post a might too wide. Will do better on the next one..
    rear post joint.jpg
    That's better. Tools for this mess?
    Backsaw to make the cuts on the ends..
    Just the usual suspects... Wanted to fit up one side, to get some seat measurements. The rear post needed to be at an angle to the rocker, but square to the other post. Need the length for the rail that holds the seat rails.
    side done.jpg
    Getting there. Having a few "hard" Root Beers and taking things a bit slow right now. maybe tomorrow I can get some more done?

    Will start this as a new thread for the rocker build, so...stay tuned. I have a completion date of about August of this year.....might make it...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Day two about to get started? maybe, depends on what the Boss wants to do today.......

    Whether to go ahead and complete this side, and THEN start on the other side, or........catch the other side up. Will see how things go...

    Need my pills, and my Mountain Dews, first......otherwise it could get ugly in the mornings, around the Dungeon Shop....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Hi steven, curious about the leg attachment method you chose. What was the biggest reason for the bridle joint as opposed to a standard type round tenon into a round hole? Sorry about your finger - I know the feeling for sure. If I had a dollar for every time ....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Have seen way too many round tenons fail on rockers, or, they get loose over time, and the rocker just falls off. I can pin the joints, to keep them in place better.

    Finger just got aggravated....had a few Wallie World sacks to bring into the house, just now......yep, was soon reminded which finger NOT to use...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Day two: New blade installed on bandsaw. A little resaw to do. Then some plane work
    Stanley No.5 T-17 (or so) I wanted to erase the saw marks
    Left by the bandsaw.
    Not too bad. I made a pair of rails, one for the seat, and one below that..
    Marked the ends for a tenon. Some saw work..
    Until they looked like these..
    Laid out for a couple mortises..
    This is on the front post. Lots of chopping later, on both mortises...
    Had to cut a flat, where the rail met the post. Front post is...done. Need to work to get the back post done.

    Then, I can start all over again on the other side. Then, I can work on the seat and back rest. Arm rest will get attached last. Working at the speed of......smell....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I guess this can wait a day or three? Yard sales today, and on through Saturday.. Spent $2 on a plastic bucket..
    Also inside that bucket?
    Along with a bunch of brushes, and a couple tape measures
    And that tiny pair of pliers. Still taking inventory....The three bits were from a Restore place we stopped at. The bit exentsion came from this metal box..
    Just a drill..
    and a charger and battery..
    $8.22 altogether, today....well, it's a start, at any rate. Atleast it is more fun than chopping mortises.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, that Ratchet Socket Tool is from Shelton, The bit extension is by Irwin. The one slip joint plier is labeld a Winchester. The tiny needle nose is a Boker. Countersink bit is a Stanley. Yankee #41 for the push drill, by North Bros. MFG Co.

    Another day, another Rust Hunt, cut short today, only one place had anything I was looking for......mostly broken, though. One eggbeater, and two other strange objects. Will post if and whenI get them cleaned up....

    Eggbeater has a NO 5 stamped into the crank handle......shaft has two gears. hollow handle is missing the cap. Side handle is MIA....chuck is three jaws, and has a set screw for some reason. Brass ferrel on the handle, more info as I go along

    Another has a "Sppedbar" profile.......except it has a wooden knob. Arm was apparently bare. M-B Tool Co. of PROV, RI?? Business end? has two jaw like things that pivot on a bolt/wing nut. Will research, later. Something about "Pat. Allowed"?

    Third item......will wait until a photo can describe it better.....

    Oh, and from that plastic bucket.....OXWALL 3460-15 tack/nail puller. Not rosewood handle, but still red. Chrome ferrel.
    Last edited by steven c newman; 05-20-2016 at 2:27 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Photos of today's "haul", wasn't all that much..
    This strange contraption, with a scary business end..
    Not sure where that spring goes. B-M Tool Co. Prov. R.I?

    This pointy thingy. No markings at all save where someone made an "X". Doesn't seem to be a brake tool. Might straight the pointy end out, handle it, and clean out mortises with it...
    Have found a NO. 5 on the crank, nothing else. The cap from my Millers Falls 2-01 is way too big for this size. Ring gear is red, though.

    Haven't a clue as to the first two, the eggbeater MIGHT be a No. 5 by millers falls? never seen a set screw into the side of a chuck, before...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok, rain inthe area, kind of ruined the rust hunting this weekend,soooooback into the shop

    had to chop and fit a couple more house M&T joints, so I could get side #1 assembled up...
    stretchers installed.jpg
    And, clamp the other rocker to this first side, to transfer a few marks over. Bridle joints were chopped
    for both posts. removing an 1/8" from each face
    chopping out.jpg
    Just a bit of chisel work. As for the posts, where they slip over the rockers, needed a notch, sawn, and the waste removed
    waste removal.jpg
    rasps, chisel, coping saw helped too. Got both post done
    posts set.jpg
    Soo, now, I get to lay out where the stretchers for this side go, to match the other side. Then I'll need to resaw two stretchers to size. Maybe after a cold one? A bit tuckered out, right now.

    I did get the two stretchers resawn out. Will need to hit them with the jack plane, and get them nice and straight, and smooth. Need to start cut some seat parts....sometime, and work on a back...the rocker's, my back is beyond fixing...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Made a mess on the floor, didn't it? And just what was behind all these shavings?
    Just this parts plane, is all..
    Stanley #5 type 17..I think. Got the two stretchers for the other side sawn, and planed square. Time to cut some tenons
    Lines are 3/16" in from each face. There is a line around the bottom of the cut. Not concerned with how long the tenon is, it is the length between the tenons I need to keep intact
    I merely saw down til I just touch the line. I flip things around in the vise a few times
    Something like this is what I end up with. Both ends of both stretchers. Then turn it sideways to saw this part of the tenons
    Once both ends are completely done( Hey, no drooling on my planes, now)
    I can then layout the mortises on each post, marking which end is where on the stretcher, and which side goes up.
    Waiting on a couple chisels to get sharpened up, chopping into Pine is a bit hard on them...

    IF I get back down to the shop today, I can chop all four mortises. Might just glue the sides up, later. easier to set them aside that way, while I'm working on the rest of the parts. Need to go and get a few angles measured, where the front and back meets the sides.....thinking it is around 85 degrees....will check the pattern rocker to find out.

    Oh, and yes, I did sweep the floor, before I left the shop....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    had to take a break today...issues with Vertigo. Little over a year ago, lost all but the outside of the right ear. No inner ear on that side.....balance gets a bit iffy some days....head colds seem to bring it on a bit.

    Might float down to the shop later.....since I sit on a stool when I am chopping mortises.......and have a record of never falling off of a Bar Stool....might be worth a shot?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Edmond, Oklahoma
    Hi Steven,

    If you are going to have a rule that no one can drool on your planes, then you can't have them out in plane site like that. By the way, the picture of the planes has me wondering. Are they respectively from left to right a 7, 6, 5 1/2, 5, 5, 5 1/4, 4, 4, 4? The sizes made me wonder, and the relative lengths don't quite seem to fit my guess. Just being nosey.

    You do have a pretty nice flock of planes, and you are in pretty good shape on block planes.

    The picture of the plane storage, which you have shown before, does seem handy.

    Hope the finger is feeling more chipper. Pat spoke for virtually all of us, but I would word it "been there done that."

    Reminds me of a thing in MAD magazine from over 50 years ago, I can't remember the story but it was something about a handyman, and advise on how not to hit your ear lobe with the claws of a claw tape your ear down....that way you have a cleaner shot at your thumb......

    Last edited by Stew Denton; 05-22-2016 at 10:52 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Left to right on the planes...Stanley No.7c,T-9, Stanley No.6c,T-10, Stanley No.5-1/2,T-17, Stanley No. 5c, T-9, Millers Falls No.14, T-2, Millers Falls No. 11, T-3, Millers Falls No.9, T-2, Millers Falls No.8, T-3, Sears Craftsman 3c,bb ( millers falls made, #8 size) Above that is a Wards #3 ( Stanley, WWII Type) and a Stanley No. 4, T-13.

    Block planes keep changing as I go along, about half are Stanleys, the other half are Millers Falls. Hanging over the back, up at the top, are two drawknives....spokeshaves go under the till. Someday, I might get it organized a bit better...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Wondering what to use to pin all these joints with.....hardwood dowels? Brass rods...$$$, ouch! Old nails ground off flush?

    Getting close to a glue up happening. Will get both side frames all glued up, before the rest can start...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    One to go
    in the clamps.jpg
    Just clamped up the second side. Went out to the Pattern rocking chair, and transfer a couple lines to a blank. Blank to go under the seat's slats. Front, back, and one in the middle.....don't want any large "foundations" to bow the center down, right.

    Slats will be resawn things. Doubtful IF they will be all that flat. maybe 1/4" thick, or so?

    Trying to figure out a curve for the back, and still have the back's slats come out right. Pattern rocker is just two flat 5/4x 6s with 1/4" slats....kind of hard on my back.

    Right now, have the joints "pinned" with brads....will change out when the proper pins arrive...
    Last edited by steven c newman; 05-23-2016 at 8:11 PM.

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