yeah, it looks like it is dead at least on the HV part of it. I bought two of them yesterday from Yongli for US$740 with dhl shipping. Shipping cost is as much as one power supply(2 for $500 plus $240 for shipping). It looks like its much faster to pay for new ones and get them shipped rather than replacing the faulty one under warranty.

Do chinese guys usually and when replacing faulty parts under warranty agree to send a replacement and pay for shipping to a customer or they always ask a customer to pay shipping cost. I do not expect them to cover shipping cost to them but it would be nice to know that they at least may cover shipping cost to me.
I either deal with warranty on the faulty one later and send it back to them for repair or replacement or just ship the faulty one to my friend in Melbourne and he will fix it.
At least now and after the faulty one is replaced/repaired I should have one spare set of PSs. It was stupid on my side not to get at least one spare PS when I bought their tube.