Quote Originally Posted by Bob Glenn View Post
There are much simpler methods to divide a width using a sector or a ruler. I won't go into how to use a sector or where to get one, I had to make mine, but you can goggle it. The ruler method is related to the sector and easier to explain.

If you want to divide the width of a board into seven equal increments, just take a ruler and lay it across the width of the board with one end at the edge of the board and the seven mark on the other edge. The ruler should be at an angle across the board. Now make a tic mark at each one inch increment and you have just divided the board into seven even increments! No trial and error, no math. Try it, it's easy!

Now using this knowledge, think about how to make a marking guage that will scratch a center line down the width of a board with parallel edges. Bob
I use the angled ruler technique often and I might mention, you can use any even multiple of the desired segments i.e. if you want to divide the board into thirds, lay the angled ruler 0 one end and angled so 9 is on the other, make your marks at 3 and 6.

However if you are making a story stick which is only 3/4" wide, the angled ruler is no help but a sector is. The sector I made definitely works, but not to the precision of dividers so I use it to get in the ballpark, and if the task demands precision, I then walk it with dividers to fine tune the accuracy. A sector looks very impressive hanging on the wall but if you gave me the choice of a having a sector or a pair of dividers I'd take the dividers any day.