If One needs or wishes to make a living Turning Wood, you must have Galleries willing to give you space and a Broker who appreciates your work and has a good reputation in those Galleries. I was blessed when I started as I was on the board of the first Gallery I had a showcase in. I had a Gallery opening which was by invitation, and I was there to answer questions and to sell as well. After the one evening opening to my Gallery, which was attended by approx 250 people, I was on display for a month. I had 40 to 50 Turnings on Display. My opening night I sold 9 turnings including HF's, Bowls, and Vases for $1400. During the month I sold another 7 turnings for $1600. I was also fortunate that my Daughter was an Artist in Albuquerque and was able to get me into 5-6 Galleries in a high traffic city which is the Meca of Art in the Southwest. She became my broker and as I am retired and only turn as she needs items to sell. I believe you must sell in Galleries and not swap meets or Flea market or Fair, as you will never get what your product is worth because everyone attending those venues is looking for a bargain and not a piece of Art. My.02 worth.....