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Thread: Help with base for live edge coffee table

  1. #1

    Help with base for live edge coffee table

    I have a six foot long live edge slab of black cherry I'm making a coffee out of and need advise on attaching the live edge "legs"(only 12.5" tall). I have already cut the legs to finished hight because originally I was going to make a single stretcher between the legs and maybe figure eights or forged steel L brackets to secure the top. Now I'm not sure I want to do the stretcher. That leaves either loose tenons or dowel pins(3/4") and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't glue the top of the legs to the under side of the table. I like the look of it with just the top and legs with no stretcher but I'm worried about racking.I see pictures of live edge tables with live edge legs but no mention of how they are attached. My question is how do "most" people do this? Thanks in advance for any help with this project.


    P.S. - The slab and both legs have been flattened.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA
    What direction does the grain run on the base pieces? Is it up-down, or is it horizontal?

    How wide is the table top? You give one dimension -- six feet -- but not the other one.

  3. #3
    The grain runs up and down on the base pieces. the top is 17" wide and the base pieces are 15" wide.
    This will be in an air conditioned house so hopefully there won't be a lot of seasonal wood movement.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA
    With that grain orientation, the base and top pieces should expand and contract together, and you can firmly join them. I’d use loose tenons. I’d also use a 4”x4” triangular brace at the middle of each base slab. It will be hidden up underneath the top.

  5. #5
    Thanks! I'll mull that over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Maybe Julie did something like this not long ago. Look in the projects section and maybe some ideas on how she attached

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