So my TS 55 festool track stopped working. went to use it and it just did not turn on. i checked and it was getting power but no joy. So i sent it to the festool repair center and received a repair estimate of $278!! basically replacing the entire innards of the saw, and this is on top of the $80 to ship it to the repairs center.
I do wood working hobby and this saw although 4 or 5 years old ( not sure when i purchased it) has only seen light use breaking down plywood. i cannot understand how such and expensive tool could need a complete motor replacement with such little use!! the repair estimate includes replacement of the armature, field assembly, ball bearing, brush and motor housing.
This is tool that has never left my shop, which by the way is my basement and heated & cooled.

it has got me thinking of looking elsewhere for a new track saw and selling off my MFT table, tracks etc

i have no problem paying for good tools but see no value in paying for 60% of the cost of the tool every 5 years to keep it working. Thought is was going to be able to use this for many years before replacement.

Guess i am just belly aching but was wondering if others have had similar experiences and what you guys might do in my situation?
should i look to dewalt or makita ? will they last any longer?