Yesterday we completed our 21st year online. The time has flown by and I have gotten old watching and participating with everyone here.

Only a few people here know that I have been in a cancer treatment program for almost two years and have struggled during most of the time I was in active treatment stages. I went though chemo and radiation and finally had surgery on September 25th, recovery from the surgery was extremely painful, so much so that our Moderators have spent more then their normal access time here to help me keep things going.

Today I am back on my feet, feeling pretty good and able to get in my shop again. Once again I am able to look ahead here at The Creek knowing that I can participate and enjoy all of the great information that you all share. Thanks to our Moderators for their amazing support and to all of you who have been so supportive over the last 21 years.

FWIW even though funding is very tight these days as our advertising support has dwindled I expect we will continue to grow and get through these economic times as we did in 2008. I am currently working on a means to upgrade our Internet access to a fiber connection that I am sure everyone will enjoy. If this works out we will most likely be offline for the majority of a day in about eight weeks. I will keep everyone informed as information becomes available.
