Historically, I do very little edge banding. However, I'm working on a kitchen right now that when all said and done has several hundred pieces. Somewhere along the way I realized I don't actually know how long it takes me to measure, cut, iron on, trim, sand and have a door set aside for finishing. So, I timed 4 doors, not rushing, and it came out to about 80 minutes, or approximately 5 minutes per piece of edge banding. Expanding on that calculation and having well over 200 pieces of edge banding to do in this project I'm looking at 16-20 hours of nothing but edge banding.

I'm all for a good audio book while I'm edge banding but this is a bit much. It got me looking around at alternatives to speed it up if I ever had a project like this again.

So, #1, am I just horribly slow at this?

#2 has anyone used a machine like this before? I looked at a few non iron on options and this looked like the fastest and best bang for the buck, but still a pricey investment.