Quote Originally Posted by David Zaret View Post
yeah it's a strange situation. very large project, big money on the line, and the competitor we are up against seemingly specified "cope and stick." i think that the architect might actually not know the answer. we have a query in with them to get clear info.

if i had more space, i would have a big case/door clamp. and a SLRS. oh, and a 13' edge bander. oh, and an enormous heated panel press. ... but alas, there's no room, and my shop can't be further expanded. oh well. first word problems.

Haha I feel ya man! I feel the pain of shop squeeze everyday. It can be irritating when architects and designers weigh in heavily on construction details, sometimes not quite knowing what those details really mean from a practical or aesthetic standpoint. Good luck with the bid and hope you land the job. Keep us posted how you execute if it gets there. If a micro shaker job ever comes my way again I’ll reference back to your experience!