I have an Evolution 380, 14” chop saw. While it does wood fine, it is my primary metal cutting saw and I have been very pleased with it. In the downsize I got rid of my plasma and horiz BS so it is my go to for metal. I’m building a 6x16’ gate for my daughter’s place. A 10’ gate, 3’ man gate and 3’ filler. Teh frame is 2x3” with a redwood filler. I cut off a small triangular piece of metal and did not clear it before doing another cut. That piece got picked up inot the blade shroud and stopped the saw cold. That is a lot of mass to stop that way. I ordered a couple parts to get the shroud and guard operating and all good. Upon trying another cut after the repair the saw runs but stalls almost immediately on a cut. It seems not coming up to full speed as well on start-up. I don’t know if the arbor is bent or the quick stop blew the motor, or for that matter, both. I’d be obliged for any thoughts on this.