We put down sod 20 years ago when I built the house. My wife loves barefoot lawns so she paid a landscaper to do it. It was fine for many years but in the past five years it got patchy and dead and full of big tree roots. We would occasionally have what I think is moles but since the lawn was poor we didn't care. I repelled them successfully with coffee grounds last year.
This year she decided she wanted a new perfect lawn. The landscaper she got is highly recommended and did a fair job. He tore out the old sod and tree roots, and he put down new topsoil. It's been 10 days and I was watering exactly the right amount . However a few days ago bubbles appeared in the sod. When I saw the sod lifted on the edge of the driveway I knew it was probably moles.
So far they have not burrowed through the sod just lifted it up along the edges and created loose bubbly spots in a few areas. When I sprinkle concentrated coffee grounds in those areas and stamp them down it seems to take care of it for a day. Then they move to another area! Now I'm chasing moles like a madman.
Any tips?