Hi everyone

Well, something popped up on my radar screen tonight when I was reading the Woodworkers Journal eZine,

I never noticed the "best of the web" feature.

SMC was the source of two parts of the article.


So I'm a bit confused. As I read the TOS, as members we retain the copyright on anything we submit, and SMC has the right to use it in anyway SMC sees fit.

But.......... how does this fall into the above link? Indirectly SMC content is supporting the woodworkers journal's business. Are we getting compensated for their use of our content?

I'm not saying that this is bad per se, but just that I hadn't noticed it before. If they are using our stuff and are paying SMC for the right, that is fine as far as I am concerned. Anything that defrays our costs is ok. On the other hand, if they aren't helping support SMC should they be allowed to essentially copy excerpts of our posts, even though they are disclosing where it comes from and including a link to our site?
