Good Morning Everyone,

Sorry, but I've been MIA from the forum for about 2 weeks now due to the extreme workload at the "day job". Things have settled a bit and I'm acutally getting a couple of days off. Sure is nice to have some time off.

The computer desk is done (except for the rubbing out), but the customer said they want it like it is, so he came by here Saturday afternoon and picked up all the pieces of the desk except for the 3' by 8' piece, which was too long to fit inside his vehicle. I'll be taking that to him sometime today. I'll get pictures once he has it all assembled and setup like he wants it and then I'll post the pics.

I'm gearing up for an oval kitchen table and a baby dressing table/dresser for some friends of our that will be having their first baby in a few weeks. I'll be working on the table and the dresser at the same time, but I have to finish the dressing table/dresser first as they will finish it themselves to match the paint in the baby's room.

After that? I'm getting back into woodturning and then into some furniture projects for our home that I've been putting on hold for almost a year now.

It's time for another cup of coffee and another log on the fire.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.