My local mill calls anything in S2S 5/8" or thicker 4/4. The owner usually rounds to the next board foot of the total. He doesn't measure anything. I once bought about 100 bf from him measuring as I went. He was not close enough to know what I measured. I needed about 90 bf plus waste. I was cutting it close trying to hit 100. He eyeballed it for about 30 seconds and said "101 bf". I got it home and measured carefully 100 and 1/4 bf! I've done that many times with the same results.

On the other hand, he will let me dig for some time through his stacks to get what I want and cull what I don't. If I find an S2S board that is 1 1/8" thick, it still counts as "4/4". That is rare, but there sometimes. If I find an exceptional piece, it is still the "standard price". That is rare too, but can be found... He also charges $1.50 a bf on most shorts (4' or under) and $3.50 on 8' lengths which are slightly longer.

For walnut and maple and cherry and my choice, I figure the low price per bf offsets his "slight" rounding up.
