The Grass is Growing and Yard Work is Mounting

....I don't know about you all but this year has started off with a BANG. The grass is just jumping, I no sooner get it cut and swept and it's time to do it all over again. The outside yard work has severely put a crimp in my style, as far as shop work goes. This year I purposely put off planting the garden until later because last year we had a sudden frost and it stunted the growth on just about every plant. This year came close but NOT quite. We did plant quite a few trees for wind brakes and cleared and cut a large amount of brush this year which was not the norm. Had 2 flat tires on the large mower and broke a high dollar belt on the secondary mower and bent a shaft on one of the push mowers, so far. Can't buy or update any mowing equipment because if I do that means I can't buy any woodworking gear, tough dilemma.

.... So how has this year's grass and yard work treated you? I know some of you don't have quite as much grass to cut nor garden to plant as I do. Has the grass in your area been jumping like weeds too, like it has in mine? Has it cut into you shop time, BIG time? How are your mowers holding up or maybe you bought a NEW one? Put any grass seed or fertilizer or weed killer down (if you did, I'll bet that was fun when it came time to cut )? Or maybe you haven't started the season yet? Any comments or is everyone going to take the holiday weekend off?

.... Here's to a safe holiday no matter what you may be doing or how you celebrate it.
