quick question- prolly been posted before, but im having a bit of a tearout problem trying to flush trim some lazy curves in red oak 1x via a template.

im using a 1/2" shank bosch trimmer w/a 1.5" flute on a 2.25 HP dewalt router. the guy was working just fine--ive had the bit since april and used it on some cedar 2x4(quite a bit of cuts on a pergola project), treated 2x4 (a deck with rounded rail caps), some poplar 1x(matching an arc- about 3 ft of cut), and finally some oak 1x (about 12 linear feet of arc-1/2 of my current project) .and then it started ripping the hell out of last batch of arcs i was trying to cut, i tried slowing the router down and speeding it up - nothing good.

im wondering if i may just have worn the bit out? does the amount of use i described sound like a lifetime of one of these jobbies?

i rough cut the curves to about 1/16" (maybe a little more) over with a jigsaw.. was that too much??

like i said, its worked before but now its turning my stock into firewood.
