Man, I haven't posted in a while... I've just been so busy! Anyway, I have three computer related questions for you guys. So, I was using a computer last night and for no reason at all the computer shut down. It wasn't like it went through a normal shut down process, but rather it just clicked off like someone pulled the plug. When I went to start it back up, it would start to start-up and then shut-off again. I kept trying to get it started and finally after 8-10 trys I got it back on!

So first of all, does anybody know what would cause this? I have had it happen to my own computer twice (over a year ago) and then it just happened to this other computer and I can't think of what would make it happen.

The second question I have is how do you back up bookmarked pages from Mozilla Firefox. I found the bookmarks in Program Files, but it isn't a proper file, but rather an icon that opens in firefox with a URL that links back to the source on my computer. I don't think it will help me much to back that up.

The third question I have is how do you back up e-mails. Where on the computer are e-mail files located?

Any answers would be very much appreciated!!!!!!!