12 Jan 2009

Good Morning,

Happy New Year to all of you that I missed earlier this year.
The kitchen table project is still in the works. Seems like it's been going on for about 4 years now, but that's not accurate. It's more like 3 months plus a weeks or two. I hate it taking me this long, but work at the day job and family have taken a great deal of my time and the LOML decided this morning that I really needed some rest after a week like I had last week. So she let me sleep in a bit this morning.

It's cold her today and going to get colder later in the week. So far, we haven't had any snow, but we have had some freezing rain and sleet. Just enough to cause driving problems on bridges and overpasses and enough to bring down tree limbs that were weak already. I know some of you have been hit pretty hard with winter weather and I wish each of you safety and comfort.

All sanding is done on the table, the top now has a wash coat of Dark Garnet Dewaxed Shellac and is waiting for the final 400 grit sanding. Then it will be time for me to break out my HVLP setup and spray the lacquer finish. The base of the table will be glued up today with Plastic Resin Glue. I like using this glue because it has a long open time and the only real downside to this glue is that it has a long set time (18 hours). If you've never tried it? I encourage you to try it. When it's set, it is a very rigid glue...unlike all your PVA type glues which are still pretty flexible after they have set. Any way, the table base will be done today and ready for a wash coat of Dark Garnet Shellac this evening. It will be time for me to go and buy the Lacquer today and I sure wished I could get some Target Coatings finish locally as I'd really like to try their water-based Lacquer product. I've heard it is really good and has the same properties as a standard pre-cat lacquer. Oh well, it will be Deft Lacquer as that is what I can get locally. I've gone to Sherwin-Williams about buying their lacquer, but they have to special order it and I also have to buy case quanty....and I just don't use that much lacquer in a year or ever 2....so that is out of the question.

Enough about me and what's going on here......

So what did YOU do this weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.