I looked at the knives on my DW735 the other day (not used much) and noticed only one of the knives seems to show any sawdust/pine pitch on and around it (The other two knives and the area on the head around them look practically new!).
This leads me to believe that only one of the knives is actually actually cutting or is doing the majority of the work. I marked the cutter head and flipped the knives. A week later the same knive shows the same amount of extrodinary use (the other two still look practically un-used).

Has any one noticed this on their DW735?

I emailed DeWalt and they sent me the standard (take it to an autherized DeWalt service center, which is 80 MILES from me) tech support answer (If my DW745 was a computer they probably would have told me to re-boot it!).

Thanks in advance