Tonight I was given a saw that used to be my grandads some 40+ years ago. This almost has to be from the end of the Disston line right around the time they were bought out. It has the style of the D-23 straight back narrow width saw blade,
The bolt pattern and handle shape resembles that of the D-95,
and has a laminated handle like that of the war time D-15.

The blade while badly rusted isn't pitted, but I can find no etching unless it was cleaned off some time ago. The medallion matches very close to the latest model I can find at the Disstonian Institute. All the screws and nuts match the medallion so I think the hardware belongs to this saw.

She seems like a mixed bag of left over parts put together but it all fits nice, no double or missed holes anywhere. Its not worth anything to a collector but to me it is. I didn't know him very well and he died some 25 years ago and its the only thing I have of his so it means a lot to me to give it a special home.

Its going through the cleanup now and when I get it back together I'll get some pictures up, hopefully tomorrow and maybe then someone here can tell me what model it is.