Mods feel free to move this thread if you need to, I posted here because I primarily wanted turners responses.

Loml, youngest son and I are planning a 2 week road trip this summer. First 2 weeks of August. Our itinerary not set in stone but if I was going to be driving through your town and time allows I would love to pop in and say HI. I may even bring a few chunks of walnut along if their is the possibility of a few wood swaps. Our tentative route is as follows:

Central MI thru Chicago to Mount Rushmore.
Mount Rushmore to Cody, WY (home of my estranged sis last I knew, hope to find her)
Cody to Yellowstone
Yellowstone to Glacier Nat'l park
Glacier thru Salt Lake City to Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon to Carlsbad Caverns
Carlsbad to New Orleans to Mobile AL
Mobile back to Central MI.

If you have any suggestions of where to source native woods along the way and what species to look for please post or PM me. If you think it possible I will be driving by please PM me contact info. Thanks and turn safe.