Alright, I know most of you don't really know me but I need a BIG favor. I'm not a dealer, or a retailer. We don't make awards here to resell or anything just yet. We're just starting to get off the ground with our Laser.

I have a project that has been tasked to me to make an award and I have a JDS catalog that came with my machine, or in the mail, somehow or another I got a catalog and a price list from them.

Well upon talking to them I've been turned away because they only deal with dealers and such. But they couldn't tell me who the closest one was. Their site is, for lack of a better term, crap! and dosn't give any information on how to get their products.

My bottom line: I'd like to get some of these things I'm trying to order instead of having to retool my design for this award. Its just under $20 worth of stuff without shipping. I'm in Chambersburg, PA. If there is someone who thinks they may be able to help me order some of these small items I would be eternally grateful.

Respond to this message or e-mail me at amanda.shughart at us dot army dot mil and I'll get you more information.

Thanks in advance.
