Took my chopmaster blade off my miter saw today to clean it up, plan was I was giving my father my PC miter saw because he wanted one for.. I don't know, I guess random stuff around the house so he wouldn't have to come over here so much.

So I was going to buy a new laser miter saw and just give him mine with the blade from the new saw and keep my chopmaster since he doesn't need a good blade. Took it off to give it a quick cleaning and noticed a chip broken right in half. NO idea when this even happened, but the blade has not got much use, pretty upset about this. Now sure what I am going to do, might not buy a new saw if I have to replace the thing. Is tooth replacement a good option? I think I remember forrest even does it.

I must say I love forrest blades and the service has been the best I have ever received, but all this other talk about their blades and now I have a tooth broken in half.. Makes me wonder if I want to spend that kind of money on it. I am confident I never hit any foreign material in any wood, and I haven't cut through any knots or anything.