Well, I am still working on my second bowl (the first one has cracked
if you recall) and am having a heck of a time with this spalted maple.

Dang thing tears out a lot in the soft spots. The regular parts are
fine. They cut smooth, but the soft areas tear out no matter how
easy I go, even with a really sharp tool.

Now, as I have the shape I want I figured I would just sand out the
little pucks and tears (if that's the proper terminology). So I start
sanding, and sanding and sanding.... Sanded a lot and the going is slow.
It would eventually get there but sure seemed to take forever.

So I thought maybe I can smooth it out with a scraper to maybe
make it go quicker. That was a mistake. Made it worse. LOL!
So back to sanding, and sanding, and....... LOL!

I can see the attraction to this "spalted" stuff as it really looks great
but sure is a pain in the butt to work with. At least for a novice.

So with this type of wood (spalted), is it pretty well a "just keep
sanding it" or is there another way?

