28 Sep 2009
Good Morning,

Well, as some would say, Christmas is getting closer and closer, which means that this is the queue for some woodworkers to start getting busy so they can be done on time.

Beautiful weather here in Conway with great temps...I really love the cooler weather. Been splitting and stacking firewood and this is when I'm so glad that I have help around the house to help with such a chore. One of these days, I have hopes for a wood splitter that is powered by something better than my own arms.

I've been teaching my kids about gun safety, handling of weapons, and stuff like that that I never got taught about when I was growing up and had to learn it own my own. Thankfully, I have some military training on safety that I've been able to pass along as well. I now have them signed up for Hunter's Education and Safety class on October 10th.

I'm trying to make the time to get some woodworking repair work under way, but I seem to be working a lot of hours at work and spending what little time I have left with the family. I do have some cutting boards that I need to get made as well as a couple of other things, but it sure looks like this year will be a "thin" year for holiday gifts. Overall, it's family and friends that really matter and not all the hoop-lah of how much to spend on each person. But, I'll stay away from that subject as it can make my blood pressure go up.

No other woodworking for me, just firewood work, yard work, and working on a suburban that has blown a couple of power steering hoses. I go oncall this week and I'm just hoping and praying that it will be an easy week of oncall.

So...what did YOU do this past woodworking weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.