Ken Salisbury will be sending pen kits to those of you who have already ordered them however he will not be taking any new orders. Aaron, Jackie and I will be working this weekend to setup the necessary products in the Hampton Roads Online Web Store and we will add the necessary web pages and links to the web site so that you can continue to order pen kits from our Free Kit and Bulk Buy programs. We will also be responsible for the donations fund.

We will discontinue the Free Corian program as soon as our existing stock is depleted. With our new responsibilities it will not be possible to continue cutting and shipping Corian and be responsible for the pen kits and donations fund. Possibly someone else will volunteer to take over the Free Corian program, if so please contact me and we can discuss it in detail.

We are waiting for final approval of our Non-Profit application from the IRS. We have been told that there is a 3 to 6 month waiting period and we are in the que but I am not sure where we are at this time, my memory isn't what it used to be and there are way to many details to keep in my head these days. Jackie is taking care of the IRS forms and all of the paperwork and we donated the $500 fee for the application. The America Supports You organization has agreed to add our link to their web site as soon as our 501C3 status is approved. You can visit their web site at the following url;

I am hoping that Ken Salisbury will be able to continue as our Freedom Pens Project Coordinator and serve as a point of contact with all of the companies that are supporting our project. I hope that removing the physical workload from Ken will allow him to continue to be involved in a program that he has been instrumental in creating and one that he has a sincere passion to support until the troops are all home. I can't even begin to tell you how many hours Ken has donated to the FPP or how dedicated he has been this year. Ken and I have spent countless hours on the phone this year solving problems and making decisions that ultimately had a significant impact on the FPP Administration side of the Project. Those of you who have been turning pens and supporting the financial side of the project have worked just as hard, I have delivered every box of pens to the Military. I can honestly say that 7000 pens affects the ride of a 3/4 ton pickup truck considerably.

Throughout his recovery period Ken will have our support and prayers. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his hard work and dedication this year and hope he can continue to be active in the future, in any capacity he is able.

Thanks again to Ken Salisbury and all of you who have supported our troops this year, you have accomplished something that is absolutely amazing.