How many of you have a Radial Arm Saw? I'm new to woodworking so my tool collection is small at this point, one tool which is not in my collection be the Radial Arm Saw. I am happy with what I've got so far, and running out of room in the garage, though. I keep a watchful eye on Craigslist for the AZ area, in fact, most of my woodworking tools have been purchased there. I see a lot of ads for older model Craftsman Radial Arm Saws. I've been thinking about getting one if I find the right deal on Craigslist. I'm wondering if this is a tool I will truly use though. My TS3650 serves me quite well for everything so far, so the Radial Arm Saw would definitely be a luxury item, money that could be used on clamps or other useful items as well. Are the Radial Arm Saws really worth the money? Are the older craftsman models any good? It will be a while before I purchase anything else tool wise, but I like to get a jump start on my research and answer any lingering questions I have well in advance. Thanks for the input.