Like them or not, it seems to me that pricing for most wood magazines is excessive, and on that topic, trade magazines are often times even more so.

Even when annual subscription price is taken into account, most only print 6-9 times a year. I have subscribed to several different titles over the years but as of late have pulled back to a month by month purchase, if I flip thru and nothing interests me, I pass. So I try to save by only buying if the topics are relavent, but that is expensive as well, it's like a crap shoot, 6 of one, half dozen of the other.

Tonight I looked at one magazine and wondered why I would pay almost $8.00 for it, the better part of ten dollars to look at some pretty pictures, adds, and read a lot of stuff I am already familiar with. Not to mention so much is available free online. I seem to remember when an annual $16.00 subscription was considered fair, now some are twice that or more. I know about inflation, still...

Which begs the question, is it just me?