I got some large chunks of a front yard tree of unknown type cut down in my neighborhood. It smells like a cherry somewhat and is very pretty. When cut, it looks light like pine for a minute or so and then quickly turns to a lovely shade of amber on the newly exposed wood. Anyway, chainsawing blanks was a new experience for me this weekend. I only have a smallish echo saw that I've always just used for small yard work. It took forever to cut the bowl blanks (around 12 to 13 diameter and 5 to 6 inches thick) , so I'm thinking I need a better bigger saw for all the BIG blanks I hope to gloat about going forward. I want something reliable, safe, etc. What brand, size, chain set up (I've heard there are rip chains for example) does anyone recommend? I'd ratehr buy a good one and cry once than have frustration with loose chains, hard starts, etc. everytime I use it, so cheap is not high on the list. Thanks!