I need to get some quick and easy shop cabinets built. i have linear feet of 8 foot tall cabinets to build so MDF is going to be my choice. On finishing i would like a painted surface, My usual procedure is to seal the end grain with drywall compound then paint. I dont get to smooth of a surface this way.

What would be a good product to use to finish these cabinets so they have a pretty smooth surface and resist moisture.

cabs will have 24" wide shelves and i will be using 1/4 aluminum pins as shelf supports. my guess is each shelf is good for about 40 pounds

3 side observations.

1. MDF went from 21.70 to 27.82 a sheet (i was told due to the disaster in chile)

2. Im wishing i had the dust collection hooked up

3. im not looking forward to building the toe kicks to deal with a 6" drop over the length of the cabinets. to account for foundation slope