Me a trouble maker??? I love it...if I can figure it out I'm gonna use that tortise in my signature

Quote Originally Posted by Christopher K. Hartley View Post
Thanks John. Now as to the Cantankerous Ones, I know what you mean but I suppose there are those who would say the same of me. Now as to the BIG THREE; There is Bernie the Bear but he is a Teddy Bear at heart. Then we have Tom the Trouble Maker but he is really Tommy Tortus, he is slow and deliberate but he always crosses the finish line. Well, the lineup isn't complete without the most notorious of the gang, Andy the Aardvark.
Now, Andy the Aardvark only turns as a guise, he really turns to feast on all the ants and termites that he cuts from the bowl blanks and what meal would be complete without the big famous cup of Moxie. The way to keep him in line is to put a pretty girl in the room with him. He goes all mushy and looses his ability to be ornery.