My wife and I are looking at purchasing a safe for our home, most likely something in the 20-25 cubic foot range. I'm not a gun owner but we were looking at gun safes at our local Gander Mountain (specifically the Timber Ridge line by Liberty Safe). Are gun safes a good option for safekeeping papers, photos, electronic media?

Most sales literature point out the fire rating and temp thresholds and how the safe becomes waterproof if there is a fire and the heat-activated door seals. What about water/flood damage caused by broken pipes when there is no fire?

Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences with home safes? I understand you can't eliminate access by a determined thief but our primary need is to protect important papers, irreplaceable photos, electronic media, cash and any valuables. Flooding seems to be the one issue that is least protected against.

We just started looking and haven't spoken with or looked at any dedicated safe or locksmith dealers. It looks like I'll have to spend approx $1K but am looking for any recommendations or experiences.