Just looked at the granite (excuse me... "Maine Granite") topped table on the LN website. More impressive was the price. Also noted the astronimical prices of the workbenches. Makes my bench and sharpening system look, well, archaic.

Reminded me of when I was younger... my father was a construction contractor and in the summers we would go to Cape Cod where he'd try his hand at commercial fishing. He bought a nice big Grady White, with a cabin, all of these expensive rods, and every bit of gear you could imagine. Spent tens of thousands, and this was in the 80's. We'd go out in the boat in our summer tourist clothes and catch about 4 striped bass. All around us were the locals, in their $2500 sometimes wooden fishing boats, center console with a little square hut around the controls, with their yellow waders on. Their rods were junk and their motors blew smoke and quit sporadically.

Back at the fish pier they would pull up, quota filled, every day. Piles of stripers, filled the ice chests and overflowing onto the decks. We'd go and get our $60 for our fish, not even enough for gas, and go home. But -

my father would smile the whole way home. Just grin. He loved it, and that is something that I'll never forget. He was doing something he loved.

These guys were just doing their job.

But I digress...

Anyone who buys that granite topped sharpening table thing, let me know, so I can mock you. I could build that thing for $400 all day long, $380 if you exclude the precious "Maine Granite."