As I work closer to my decision to buy a tenoning jig instead of make one I have come across an opportunity to get a Delta jig brand new for $100. I've read tons of reviews about all the brands. The Grizzly is attractive for the price, the Delta is attractive at $100 for the brand name and the price. What I worry about with the Delta is that I'm buying it second hand so if I have an issue with the base rocking on the table saw (the main complaint that I've read besides crappy allen hardware), I won't be able to return the tool. The grizzly gives me that option because I'm buying it new from manufacturer. Is it worth the risk to buy the Delta, or should I go with the Grizzly? If I get the Delta home (where I'm buying it I'm not sure if I'll get to test the device or not) and the base rocks, will Delta still help me out or am I SOL? Am I being naive to go for the delta because of the name?