Went to the local Wood Show (Vancouver B.C.)this weekend and I was SEVERELY disappointed. I look forward to the Wood Show and some years have gone all 3 days. But not anymore. A couple of years ago the local show had relocated to a nice, newer venue but this year moved back. When my wife asked me why they moved back I faceciously said" it was the only venue SMALL enough".
There were FAR fewer booths than last year and it was actually smaller than the show a local tool place held the week before. Another big difference was that the local tool place didn't charge you an admission fee. But they had the regular supplier booths (Delta, Dewalt, etc).

I also noticed that the Seattle show (we also went there a few years ago) was canceled this year. Perhaps they had trouble finding a venue that was small enough too.

There will have to be an awfully good reason for me to go next year including an assurance that there will be more vendors. When I read the internet ad for this show (the promoter runs a number of shows in Canada)it listed a lot of vendors-many of which weren't in attendance. So after the show I re-read the ad and noticed the fine print which said "not all vendors will be at all shows" Ya got that right.

I hate being scammed.

Fred Mc.