
I would like to let you all know about a new woodworking club that we are trying to get started in Southwest Wisconsin, specifically the Spring Green area. John Miliunas and I attended a Spring Green Area Arts Coalition Social a few weeks ago, focused on woodworking. It was a GREAT time, the talent displayed was amazing. This group is driving to get this club started.

On March 15th, a local woodworker has invited everyone who is interested in the club to his shop. The informational meeting will last from 7pm to 9pm. Anyone who is interested in attending, please PM me. Out of respect for the host, I will not be posting the specific place here. However, I will PM you back with directions on how to get there.

Here is some eye candy to show you the type of talent that attended the original social and hopefully will be members of the club:

Tranquility Canoes - Site of the Host of this meeting
Inspirational Evening(Part 1) - Post by John
Inspirational Evening(Part 2) - Post by John

I hope that everyone in Southwest Wisconsin is able to make it!

NOTE: This is meant to be a meeting of woodworkers interested in a woodworking club, meeting regularly. This is not meant to be a one time get together.

Thanks everyone!
