I was perusing my latest FWW this morning, flipping through an article on the benefits of a drill press. In that article, they make the statement--I don't have it in front of me, so I'm paraphrasing--that when you put in a drill bit in, you should be sure to make sure it isn't just being grabbed by just two of the three jaws and to make sure that the bit isn't bottomed out in the chuck. The first point is pretty obvious, but the second one was a new one on me, and they didn't explain.

Frankly, I'm not sure I pay that much attention to whether its bottomed out or not, my goal is usually inserting it such that the jaws will clamp down on a good portion of the straight shank of the bit. But I'm curious since I've never heard this advice before... Why would inserting a bit all the way and bottoming it out be bad? And if it is bad for a DP, would bottoming out bits in a router be bad too, 'cos I know I do that...