22 Nov 2010

Good Morning,
I'm just willing to bet that many here are already making plans for family and friend on Thanksgiving Day. Here's hoping and praying that each of you will have safe travels, great times with family/friends, good food, and easy times of conversation. I believe it's good for all of us to stop and remember all that we are to be thankful for even in the "hard times".

Well, no woodworking for me. The day job has been taking my days and my nights for a while now and next week I go oncall and get to work days, nights, and the weekend. Looks like my week next week will be at least 80 hours or so. Good thing for the company that I'm salaried instead of hourly hugh?!!!

Well, we will be here this Thanksgiving and my oldest son will be here today to stay with us this week. It will be good to have him here and visiting with us.

Please remember, there are many who don't have jobs and are in need for a little boost to help them help their families for Thanksgiving. Do your part by giving them a little (or a lot) to help them be able to serve a good Thanksgiving meal to their famililes.

Woodworking wise? I've been researching a bit about making wooden spoons and forks for cooking with. If you have any information about how you make wooden spoons/forks??? Please PM me so I can read how to do it and then give it a try before Christmas.

Well, that's it for me....so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.