I am about 6 months away from buying my first home, and I figured that now would be a good time to start looking for some tools that I will inevitably need for home renovation and basic furniture construction. The thinking process, is that since I do not need these tools right away, I can take my time and look for deals on Craigslist and Fleabay. Here is my dilemma, chances are that whatever house I end-up buying I will not have a lot of space for a dedicated shop.

The garage will most likely be sized for a single car, the basement will be used for a home theater; so that leaves me with a single, bedroom-sized room for a shop. I was thinking that the Festool MFT3, TS55, and the Bosch 4100 table saw would be a good alternative to a full-size cabinet saw and would work well in a small space. My goal is to be equipped to build some basic furniture and cabinets.

I have an opportunity to purchase a used MFT3 for $400. Should I pull the trigger? Are there any big deficiencies with my planned approach for setting up a small shop?

Thanks in advance