Hi all,
My nephew, who is a chef, asked me a while back if I would make him a pepper mill. Well, I'm finally getting around to it (roundtuit). After checking some of my regular haunts I saw that CSUSA has 8" kits for $10.99. I read a thread, I think it was here(?), where someone, I believe it was Jim Becker, had suggested to try chef specialites. It's terrible getting old and having no idea where you are Well I did. Got my mechanism, now gotta order some large forstner bits.

Basically the question I have, yeah after all that, is since this item will contain food, even though it is only pepper corns, is it necessary to finish the inside with salad oil, peanut oil, or some other food safe finish? I'm planning to use cocobolo for my nephew's mill, but if it works out well and I want to do more, I'll probably expand into different wood species.

Any help on this, or other tips, hints, words of wisdom is greatly appreciated.