...yes yes yes! I just picked one up...another one, actually. I had one and didn't like it that much. This time I tried it with the additional leather hone and buffing wheel.

WOW. Just WOW. For anyone who's tried this tool and doesn't have the leather hone or the buffing wheel, you just don't know what you're missing. I get a mirror edge off the buffing wheel and the tools are sharp. I mean SHARP.

It's awesome that I can leave the buff setup and quickly polish all of my edges to razor sharp as I'm working. It just takes a second. I find myself just leaving it running sometimes so I can take a few particularly delicate cuts, and do a quick 2 second polish on the buff without skipping a beat.

I'm a convert, but NOT without the leather hone and buffing wheel. That's the key to the system, and it should be included in the base package.