hey ya'll,

long time no see. i plan to post some pics this week of the last projects i've been working on (mom and dads house and cabinets), but in the mean time i need some advice.
we're about a week away from starting OUR house and i'm trying to figure out our trim details a little. we know we want our windows (jambs and casings) to be wood, and we'll defintely have hardwood floors over most of the house, but i'm stumped a little regarding crown and base boards. is it too much wood to have wood crown and base and hardwood floors? i've got a picture in my head of hardwood floor, painted base, painted crown and wood window trim, but i'm not sure how it would look.

what has been ya'lls experience with wood trim. how much do you trim out in wood and how much do you paint?
the design or style of the whole house is kinda shaker. loml keeps leaning toward shaker style furniture and she has a definite plan for shaker cabinets.
i'm confused.