So my dream of creating brand new cherry kitchen cabinets is likely going to be put on hold for this house. LOML is asking that we just paint our builder oak cabinets white and change out the counter tops.

I have some bowling alley (Maple) I was hoping to re-purpose to make a new kitchen island countertop and was planning to re-tile the rest of my counter tops.

I guess my question isn't necessarily a wood working one or a power tool one but. How would you go about painting these white?

HVLP gun? Oil based primer? what about the oak pores? I am reading some older threads about different processes used on painting oak cabinets now. I figured I would ask the painting tool question:

I do have an air compressor but no spray gun as of current. The compressor I have wasn't able to power a gravity fed gun when I was doing auto body for much more than primer. ( I would never trust it with paint coats ).

What kind of (budget ish) paint sprayer should I be considering for this application?
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Thanks for any and all input.