Wow - I haven't visited the Creek in 7 months (I had to check). Looking good. Maybe the new system handles photos better? I will soon find out.

I want to install some veneer to replace the damaged face layer on a plywood cabinet.

The plywood layer under the face is quite poor.

QUESTION 1: Should I patch it with one of the plastic wood products before I attach the veneer?

The veneer I am using "Band-It Real Wood" white birch, iron-on.

QUESTION 2: Should I iron it on OR glue it with TiteBond after I remove the residue on the back of the veneer?

Here I'm holding the patch so I can mark where to trim from underneath.

Additional Info - The location will be at floor level next to the baseboard - i.e., the patch won't be subject to stress.

Thanks -

PS - RANT! I still really hate the SMC forum picture uploading. After reducing the pictures to 640x480 and under 60 MB it still wouldn't take them. Even though when I searched the forum for advice the administrator says SMC wants us to upload to SMC, not use Image Shack or whatever. Pictures are essential in forums - they usually clarify the content of the post and they make the post more enjoyable to view. Stop making it so hard! And, while I'm on a rant, POST THE PICTURE LIMITS PROMINENTLY - stop making it so hard to even discover what the problem is! The good news is I won't rant about this again.