31 Jan 2011

Good Morning,
Besides the day job taking a ton of hours out of my hide lately, I've been stressed with the health status of my dad and the emotional status of my mom. At this time, all I will say is that it doesn't look good at all for my dad. All of this is one reason why I'm not online very much any more. I guess it's a phase of life that I'm to work through. I have my faith to carry me through and that is what really helps.

The LOML Jr. is deciding on what she wants me to make for her and the LOML, as recently as last night, put her order in for some of the same wooden kitchen utensils that they found as they cruised through my book on Making Kitchen Utensils. I guess that's one way to get me in the shop again!

Got some cleanup in the shop done this past weekend, ear-marked some materials for making the necessary items for the LOML and LOML Jr. and since it was sunny and WARM (like 72º F in January) the LOML thought it a great idea to go for a motorcycle ride out in the country.....so we did. Really nice time together.

Back to the "grind stone" this week at the day job. So, what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.