Hey guys,

Glad to see this new forum, it comes at just the perfect time. I'm just getting ready to finish my current project, It will be for the LOML as my gift to her for our upcoming wedding, so I want the finish to look awesome. The project is made entirely from soft maple, most of which is figured, I want to "pop" the figure, and give a nice "deep" looking finish.
What I was planning on doing is putting one or two coats of BLO on the first coat diluted 50% with mineral sprits, and lightly sanding or scraping between coats. Next, I was planning on spraying (spray can) a couple light coats of zinzeer(sp?) dewaxed clear shellac, lightly sanding or scraping as necessary between coats. Then, spraying (also spray can) a few coats of Deft gloss lacquer. And finally, I may rub the finish out with some pumice and/or rottenstone to finish it up, and maybe a wax buffing. Does this seem like a good finish? I tested on a scrap, and I think I'll get the results I want, but I didn't fully prep the scrap as well as I should have. Any thoughts?
