Ya'll watchin' this? Show about the South. Funny thing is that they seem to be contradicting themselves on what the "South" is. First they include southern Virginia, then all the way up through PA. They include Texas, but say it isn't really the South. Huh? Some celebrity, acutally, it was Trace Atkins...a country singer...says that Kentucky isn't the South. What? I mean, I'm in Maryland. The Mason Dixon line is the northern border of Maryland. Technically, we are the South. Realistically, we are a border state. PA is definitely North. VA is definitely South. Kentucky? How could that be considered the North? Many of ya'll in the South have geographically screwed up virtual cranial maps. Funny, though, when the question was brought up about Texas on the show, my wife uttered, " You know, Texas is just Texas." Funny thing is, I kinda consider Texas to be a border state, too. It is the South, but it is also a border state between the South and the West.

Hey, have fun with this. It isn't meant to rile anyone up. I don't mean disrespect to anyone. Of course, I mention Southerners having a skewed view of what the South is, but many of those in New York and north think of Maryland as a Southern State. While technically, they are right, based on the M/D line, that puts DC in the South. We are a border state...simple.