I tried this old photo of my mother, small print, 72dpi, resampled to 11.5" and 200 dpi and lasered at 400 dpi. The material is named China Black Marble. It's from China but it ain't no marble...maybe Basalt or even a composition. Anyhoo, it's HARD! With my 35W Epilog I started at 34 Speed and 100 power. Ran each one at least 4 times, making adjustments each time. I'm sure improving the photo would help the quality, but I'm at a dead end with my skimpy photo processing abilities. The one I ran through Photograv is pretty obvious, the other one is cleaner but appears washed out. Any suggestions?AAAAAAA Granite Engravings of MY Mom 007 (1728 x 1152).jpgAAAAAAA Granite Engravings of MY Mom 002 (1728 x 1152).jpg