First job was at 12 working with my granddad and uncle as an "gopher/apprentice" on construction/renovation. A few bucks per job, depending on what they were being paid.
Then a dress/clothing factory... $1.25/hour but a lot of overtime in busy season. Then a State Tree Nursery with the Forestry Dept.
Pay was around $2/hour and we earned every penny in the HOT sun(pine seedlings/no shade).
IN college, I worked part time at the State Correctional Institute for 14-17 yr olds as a "counselor". Don't remember the pay, but it was a great, interesting part time job.
All in all, I earned a lot more in experience than I did in dollars, but it was invaluable to me.
Retired now and only doing woodworking...... the pay for that is about where it all started! But, I enjoy every minute!
